everyday ORGANiZiNG blog

Nancy Patsios Nancy Patsios

It’s National Senior and Specialty Move Managers Week!

Senior & Specialty Move Managers assist adults and their families with both downsizing to remain in their current home, as well as the entire process of moving to a new residence. Move Managers specialize in helping their clients with the emotional and physical aspects of sorting through a lifetime of memories in the transition process, while providing them with effective options and resources to increase efficiencies and reduce stress.

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Nancy Patsios Nancy Patsios

Decluttering and Downsizing-What’s the Difference?

Decluttering and downsizing are words that you have probably heard countless times. It has practically become a national pastime to engage in one or both activities these days. Although they are often used interchangeably, there are subtle differences between the two and each speaks to its own purpose.

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