everyday ORGANiZiNG blog
Happy Fight Procrastination Day
Did you know there was such a thing as Fight Procrastination Day? It seems there's a day of recognition for just about everything, and fighting procrastination has made the list. It's a day acknowledged in early September world wide. If you've put off doing something important, this holiday is for you.
Get Ready for the Dorm
Your baby is about to go to college. Where did the time go? Dorms are known as notoriously small spaces. It may take some creativity to find enough storage space for all the college gear. These ideas will help get you started.
Organize Like a Kindergartner
It’s often said that if you want to maintain an organized home, think like a kindergartner. It may likely be the first place where children are introduced to the concept of organizing and it provides a great foundation to organize any room in your house.
We're the Tops!
Imagine our surprise and delight at being named one of the Top 30 Moving Companies in Massachusetts by Hire Haven.Hire Haven has created a network of renovation and construction-related industry experts. Consumers are offered access to this network free of charge to obtain job and pricing information.
Heading Off to Summer Camp
Who's more excited for summer camp to begin - you or your kids? It's a toss up! Their bags or trunks will need to hold a variety of essentials for all kinds of fun experiences.
Celebrating Senior Move Managers
Each year in May the National Association of Senior Move Managers (NASMM) celebrates National Senior Move Managers Week. For over ten years, Sort It Out Boston has been proud to be a member of this internationally-recognized organization. This year, the celebration week extends from May 12 to May 18, and the theme is Service With Purpose. Never has there been a truer statement.
For Sale - 'Tis the season for selling homes.
Once you've decided to sell, there will be lots to do. It pays to take the time to prepare your home for viewing. Some tasks will get you closer to your asking price (or more) and will get your house on and off the market in no time. Your realtor will be a great resource for recommending some of those tasks, knowing what to focus on to get the most bang for your buck.
Rounding Up the Holiday Decor
Another holiday season is coming to an end. Can you believe it? The festivities are winding down and it's time to gear up for a New Year. However, an important holiday task still lies ahead. It's time to put away all the decorations.